Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This full day workshop will take place on July 7th, 2012, and will comprise of presentations by selected students pursing research in some aspect of evolutionary computation. Students will present their work to an audience that will include a 'mentor' panel of established researchers in evolutionary computation. Presentations will be followed by a question and discussion period led by the mentor panel.

The goal of the workshop is to assist students with their research: methodology, goals, and plans. Students will also receive feedback on their presentation style. Other attendees will benefit by learning about current research, engaging in technical discussions and meeting researchers with related interests. Other students are encouraged to attend as a means of strengthening their own research.

Students will also be invited present their work as a poster at the evening Poster Session - an excellent opportunity to network with industry and academic members of the community.

The group of presenting students will be chosen with the intent of creating a diverse group of students working on a broad range of topic areas. You are an ideal candidate if your thesis topic has already been approved by your university and you have been working on your thesis or dissertation for between 6 and 18 months.
To present, write a paper describing your current research and submit it by email to using the subject line "GECCO 2012 Graduate Workshop" (since email is sometimes unreliable, please contact if you don't receive an acknowledgement message within a day or two).

Format your paper following the ACM guidelines (details can be found here) but note that your paper should not be anonymised and that it should not exceed 4 pages in length. Please submit your paper in PDF format.

Accepted papers will be published in the GECCO 2012 proceedings on a CD, and also in the ACM Digital Library (this is why contributions must abide ACM formatting rules and failing to comply with such rules may result in exclusion from the proceedings).

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

This site is dedicated to the 15th ANNUAL GRADUATE STUDENT WORKSHOP, to be held as part of the 2012 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE (GECCO-2012) in Philadelphia, PA.

Welcome to the support website for the 14th annual Graduate Student Workshop, to be held at the GECCO-2012 conference.

This site will serve to keep updated information concerning the workshop, such as important links, dates, results, schedules, and so on. Feel free to browse important information concerning the workshop through the tabs above. Important dates are below.

Submission deadline: March 28, 2012 
Acceptance notification: April 9, 2012
Camera-ready final paper and copyright form due: April 16, 2012